Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies

Vitamin A is a crucial Fat-Soluble vitamin for Humans to maintain good health. The term “Vitamin A” is also considered as Retinol (Also known as Retinaldehyde) and Carotenoids. It is essential for vision and maintenance of the immune system. Today, we are going to explore Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies.

Types Of Vitamin A:

There are Mainly Two types of Vitamin A:

1. Retinols: It is the Type of Vitamin A found in Animal sourced foods.

2. Carotenoids: It is plant-based nutrient found generally in plants in the form of Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene and gamma-carotene.

Functions Of Vitamin A:

Vitamin A has multiple crucial functions:

  • Vitamin A is known for keeping good eye health and protects from night blindness.
  •  Boost our immune system Health.
  •  Helps in the growth and development during the early childhood days of a children.
  •  It helps supports the bones health.
  •  Makes skin tissues healthier and younger.

Vitamin A Food Sources:

Vitamin A found in many foods, divided in two catogories:

Animal-Sourced Foods:

Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies.

These foods comes from Animal source, they are:

1.Animal liver: The Cooked liver of animals such as chicken, fish, pork and beef are a rich source of Vitamin A.

While Cod-liver oil is known for its highest Vitamin A content.

2.Animal Milk: The milk of Animals such as, cows, buffaloes, camels etc,. are a good sources of essential nutrients along with Vitamin A.

Milk is good for the bones, muscles and for overall development and well-being.

3.Butter: Another good Sources of Vitamin A, helps in the good vision and maintaining healthy immune system.

4.Cheese: Among other Fortified Foods, Cheese is also great sources of Vitamin A.

There are so many variety of Cheese like Cheddar, mozzarella, Parmesan, swiss, etc,.

5.Eggs: While Eggs are not as much significant for the intake of Vitamin A as compared to other plant-sources of vitamin A. But, having cooked eggs can definitely give you some amount of Vitamin A.

Plant-Sourced Foods:

Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies.

These foods are produced by plant, they are:

1. Sweet Potatoes: One of the excellent source of vitamin A, that contains high amount of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.

It helps in the proper functioning of the immune system and crucial for maintaining good health.

2. Carrots: Carrots are indeed great source of Vitamin A, in the form beta-carotene. It is very helpful in maintaining healthy skin and good vision.

3. Pumpkin: Another Great source of vitamin A that contains huge amount of carotenoid in the form beta-carotene that further converts into vitamin A.

Good for eye vision, immune health and help in the other bodily functions.

4. Spinach: Being a good source of other vitamins and minerals, Spinach also contains rich amount of Vitamin A.

A fresh cooked spinach contains around 20% of the Daily Value (DV).

5. Kale: Kale is among Highly nutritious green leafy vegetables that contains excellent amount of Vitamin A. Like other colorful fruits like mangoes, papaya, Kale is also rich in beta-carotene.

It can be eaten as raw or cooked.

Deficiency of Vitamin A: 

Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies.

Vitamin A deficiency is a lack of vitamin A in blood and tissues, It is very common in developing countries. It can occur at any age, but mostly occur in children and pregnant women.

Around 2-5 lacs children of developing countries become blind every year. Night blindness is one of the first sign of Vitamin A Deficiency. Moreover, Severe Deficiency of Vitamin A can also lead to problems like Xerophthalmia, Keratomalacia and complete blindness.

The deficiency of Vitamin A also decreases the power of immune system. In the poor countries where children are not immunized they have lower immunity to fight off Diseases and infections.


This particular blog is all about Vitamin A Food Sources and Deficiencies. Remember, The first step towards the Deficiency of Vitamin A is to have foods that is full of Vitamin A nutrient. The reports says that the number of Children getting blind every year will keep increasing day by day. It is essential to include the foods rich in Vitamin A to stop this prevalence. Make sure to consult to health care professionals in any underlying conditions.

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