5 Best Yoga Asanas To Relieve Gas And Bloating

If you have ever experienced gas and bloating, you may be aware of how uncomfortable this common issue is. Yes, it can affect your daily life and will affect your moods too. While your Food choice will play a big role in this problem including specific yoga asanas in your yoga practice can provide healing. Today here, In this latest blog post we’re going to discuss 5 effective asanas for alleviating gas and bloating.

Gas And Bloating

5 Best Yoga Asanas To Relieve Gas And Bloating

1. Pavanmuktasana

Pavanmuktasana the name itself is explanatory, pawan means ‘wind’ and mukta means ‘freedom to release’. This asana compresses the abdomen and releases trapped gas. It will stimulate your digestive organs promote better digestion and reduce bloating. The pressure on your abdomen will help the expulsion of gas. And so it provides relief from discomfort. So, let’s see how to do this asana.

Gas And Bloating
Image Source: Stylecraze

1. First lie down straight on your back
2. Both legs are straight, and both arms are on the side.
3. Now, lift your right leg bring it towards your stomach and press the knee tightly on the abdomen.
4. Stay in this position, breathe normally for some time, and then release the position.

5. Make it straight and bring it down.
6. Repeat this with the other leg.
7. Now do the same thing with both legs together.
8. Lift both legs and bring it towards the stomach and have a good compression, holding it nicely.
9. Gas would be released and make it straight again and come down.

2. Marjariasana

beginner yoga poses Gas And Bloating

This is a dynamic yoga pose that involves alternative arching and rounding the spine. This moment of the spine will help you massage the digestive organs and promote the flow of the digestive process this force also helps in releasing gas and also promotes peristalsis movement in the alimentary canal. This is a natural movement of your intestine.

1. First sit in Vajrasana, now bend forward and bring your both arms in front.
2. The distance between both arms should be at the hip distance.
3. Totally pressed on the ground.
4. Here, while breathing in lift your head and arch your spine.
5. Give a good pull on the neck also and arch the spine so that the spine goes downwards.
6. And now slowly breathe out and turn your head inwards to see that the spine is arched upwards.
7. This is the posture where you’ll be repeating the same movement.
8. Breathe in your spine, arch up and down both ways.
9. Come back, breathe out and arch the spine downwards.
10. And then, come back to your normal position in Vajrasana.

3. Balasana

In this pose, you have to sit down and bend forward. This pose gently compresses the abdomen to release gases and bloating. It also calms your nervous system, This pose reduces any tension that can contribute to your digestive issues. So now let’s see how to do Balasana.

Gas And Bloating

1. Sit in the Vajrasana position properly.
2. Now stretch your both arms in front and bend forward as far as possible.
3. Try to touch your head to your knee, or if your head can go to the ground touch your head to the ground.
4. Stay in this position for sometime
Here you will automatically see how does stomach is getting compressed and inner organs are getting a nice massage. This is the poster which is very natural and that would really help to see that you don’t develop gases and bloating in your stomach and slowly come back to your normal position.

4. Malasana

Gas And Bloating

In this pose, you are squatting with your feet close together. As you can see this position is good for the natural movement of your intestine and so it is the best pose for preventing constipation which naturally would lead to bloating this asana also strengthens the muscle of your pelvic floor and promotes smooth elimination. So, let’s see how to do this asana.

1. Standard state and now keep the distance between both feet.
2. Stay one foot apart then turn your both feet from the ankle sideways.
3. Now first breathe in and while breathing out, go onwards with the namaste position.
4. Try to see that your elbow is touching your knee to push the knee sideways.
5. Come back again, breathe in and come back to your normal Position.

This is such a posture, very very useful posture, which everyone should do to see that your abdominal floor is stronger, there is no weakness in that area, and gases in any case will not be formed only.
When you start doing this pose regularly, you’ll notice that your digestive capacity improves and gases will not be formed only to create bloating.

5. Supta Matsyendrasana

Gas And Bloating
Image Source: ASMY

The last pose would be Supta Matsyendrasana, which is a relaxing twist. This increases blood circulation to your abdominal area it also helps in toxifying the digestive organ and relieves the symptoms of gas and bloating.

Here, is how you should perform this pose
1. Lay supine on the mat.
2. Legs stretched forward hands by the side.
3. Keep the back and shoulder firmly rested on the mat.
4. Now fold the legs at the knee and draw the ankles in.
5. Stretch the arms out perpendicular to the body.
6. Keep feet and knees together perpendicular to the floor and breathe normally,
7. Exhaling let the legs fall together to the right and simultaneously turn the neck to the left to gaze at the thumb.

Maintain this pose with the breath suspended for a period double of exhalation, inhaling return to the starting position. Now without pause, exhaling. Repeat the above steps to the left to complete one round. This is a beautiful posture that releases the tension from your entire lower limbs. It helps strengthen your core muscles and helps in the release of gas and bloating.

Some Lifestyle Tips That May Help Your Digestive Health

Apart from these asanas, you can also follow some lifestyle tips to stay away from digestive issues.

  • Always chew your food slowly and keep a very relaxed environment to aid in better digestion.
  • Drinking ginger tea can really help soothe your digestive tract and in turn release gas.
  • Chew one teaspoon full of fennel seeds after finishing your lunch and dinner. Fennel has carminative properties which can help relax the digestive tract and clean the passage of gas.
  • Gently massaging your abdomen in a circular motion also helps that stimulates the digestive organs and helps in the release of trapped gas. This can be done in a sitting or lying down position.
  • Avoid gas-producing food such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower and carbonated drinks.
  • Apply a warm compress on your abdomen to help relax the muscles and Elevate bloating.


You can do these simple remedies, especially after heavy meals. So along with these special yoga asanas that we have seen today practice please simple lifestyle tips or lifestyle habits to avoid digestive issues by taking good care of your digestive health you can definitely achieve overall well-being.

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Image Source: Freepik


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